He did better than Mommy did with the transition! |
Last year at this time Steve and I were going back to jobs after an awesome summer of travel and kitchen updates. We didn't even know about David- how weird is that! I had the adoption paperwork out and had looked at it but hadn't made that next step in sending in our Waiting Child checklist. How a year can just fly by! This year we've had our first week of school and are figuring out our new schedule. This year we are loving every moment we have with our precious son. This year I will spend much less time at work and much more time playing blocks, cars and ball with my son! So excited that THIS YEAR is finally here!!
The great news is that David loves school! He's had no problem during drop-off and he is all smiles when we pick him up in the afternoon. Steve is doing all the dropping of and picking up due to his more flexible schedule and being so close to school. There will be a few days when I get to pick him up and I look forward to those days! David has enjoyed playing with new friends and playing with new toys at school. He really likes to put on his backpack in the mornings- he's so darn cute!! His language continues to expand and I think school will really help with that. His newest "I'm so cute" thing is that at prayer time he will bow his head and close his eyes. He tends to close them really tight and usually has a huge smile on his face. Oh My Word he is precious!!!
Steve is teaching 5 classes this fall at Baylor and
not teaching nights at MCC- thank goodness! He had a great first week with over 200 students. I've started my 10th year as counselor at Cedar Ridge. We have a population of about 650 this year. I've have a new scheduling duty this year which has taken up most of my time the past two weeks but I should start teaching next week. Steve and I are so blessed to love what we do and be surrounded by great co-workers!!
Ready to cheer on the bears! |
Yesterday we enjoyed taking David to his first Baylor football game. It was HOT! I mean really, really HOT! We got there early to visit a friend's tailgate and see the band. By the time we made it into the stands we were all worn out. David did okay but wasn't really interested in the game. He yelled some and enjoyed swinging the pom-pom around. We've been working on teaching him "sic 'em bears" this week so we had fun with that at the game. We left during the first half and I was glad to get into the ac filled car! It was a fun first game. I think we'll wait till it cools off before we go to another one. Better yet I am already looking forward to basketball season- indoors and shorter :)
Sic 'Em Bears!! |