Thursday, October 1, 2009

some house pics

Steve and I waited a little while to hang pictures in the new house. We wanted to make sure they were in the right place but of course I always second guess them once they're on the wall-ugh! We have a ton more to hang but we got a good start. So here a few pictures to show you what we've done so far...
We had to rearrange the dining room due to a vent being blocked by the china cabinet (the things you find out when you get your ducts cleaned). I really liked it the other way but I'm sure I will get used to this arrangement. I'm thinking we are going to paint this room some shade of red but one thing at a time :)

Here's our den. The picture didn't turn out great but you get the idea. The bookcase is filled with some of our favorite pictures. On each side are black and white pictures from our travels to Italy and Paris. We were so pleased at how they turned out! Steve's favorite part of this picture is the new HD tv :)

It only took me 7 years to get my cross wall up! I got my first cross as a wedding gift and have done some collecting since then. We now try to purchase a cross as one of our souvenirs as we travel.
We still have lots of blank walls but the good thing is that we still have lots of pictures to hang. I enjoyed putting our fall decorations out for the beginning of October but I really looking forward to decorating for Christmas.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I really like the way you've done the pictures from your trip! Enjoying seeing your house!