Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Journey: Fall is here!

I think fall is my favorite season even though in Waco we don't see a lot of color changes. I like the cooler weather and all things pumpkin! Football season is in full swing and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. David is enjoying all the fall activities including Halloween (a separate post on that soon), a farm fair and a visit to the pumpkin patch.
What I'm not a fan of is David being sick! He had croup back in September and it came back this past weekend. Poor boy! I took him to the doctor and he got a steroid shot which helped with the barking cough. Now he has the wet cough. He's spent the past 3 days with my parents instead of school. He's so lucky to have such awesome grandparents! He is sleeping well right now with new pajamas on and the humidifier going. All the upstairs smells like Vicks!
In his latest "I'm so cute" moment- he has started holding our hands and bowing his head when we pray at dinner. It is seriously the cutest thing! One of the books we read each night has a mommy and daddy praying and he always points that picture out. He is speaking more and more each week!
Enjoy the fall pictures!!
All smiles!

Not sure what I'm doing in this pic but it's the best family one we got.

He loves daddy's hat!

David's favorite part of the afternoon- jumping off the pallets.
Here's him in action.

Love this picture! He loves his Papa and Gigi!

My Boys!!!

He enjoyed the goats!

Practicing his football arm with a bagel for the pigs!

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A trip to the farm was exhausting!!

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