Saturday, January 18, 2014

Journey: Chinese Lantern Festival

David found something!
I'm still playing catch up from the Christmas season. Going back to school was rough especially since Steve was off an extra week. It was hard to leave my boys each morning. We're almost to the half way point in school and I'm already looking forward to the summer. David is learning new things each week and I'm so thankful he has such a wonderful place to learn and play each day!!!
During the Christmas break we took advantage of the beautiful weather to head up to Dallas one evening. We went to the Chinese Lantern Festival and it was fabulous. This is the second year they've had it at Fair Park. It starts during the fair and ends right after the new year. We are anxious to share things about China with David so he will know about the country he came from. Chinese New Year is right around the corner!
We enjoyed looking at all the beautiful art work. Some of the lanterns are actually built in China and then assembled in Texas. The artistry is beautiful!! We also enjoyed some Chinese acrobats, such talent! It was a wonderful evening spent together!!

By the end of the evening David was tired! What a fun night!!

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