We returned from a wonderful fall break trip to Dallas. Steve had Friday off for BU's fall break and I decided to take a personal day (they give those to us to use right!) and we went to Dallas. We had a great time and I have decided to spread out the weekend into a couple of entries.
I am all about staying in nice hotels but I don't like to spend a whole lot of money, I know a contradiction. Anyway, my sister has gotten some great deals through Priceline and has encouraged me to try it. I have always been wary of using it for some reason. I guess I like to pick the hotel from a list but that way is more expensive I have learned. So a few weeks back I decided to search around the downtown Dallas area to see what I could find. Well, I quickly decided that I should give Priceline a try. I am so glad I did!! We ended up at the Sheraton downtown for $55! Considering the price from their website was over $200 I was very happy. Steve and I decided on Wednesday to go ahead and stay 2 nights. I went back to Priceline and ended up with the Hyatt Regency for $50, yea! I know, it's a bit silly to be so happy about the hotels but I figured we saved a little more money that can go towards Italy. We were very pleased with the Hyatt (I love all the glass) and the Sheraton was okay, not great. We had never stayed in Downtown before so it was fun to enjoy the city lights!
I'm going to have to give Priceline a try on the hotels. Thanks for the pointer.
I too prefer NICE hotels. I've tried the "cheap" thing before and regretted it. (You get what you pay for.)
Alan and I are planning a trip to Dallas in the near future to see the King Tut exhibit. Only a few cities in the world will be showing this exhibit, so it's rare to catch it locally. We almost went this weekend. Wouldn't it had been funny if we bumped into you guys?
I hope if you ate at Antares and went to the observation deck that it wasn't as cold as it was in February 2002...man it was cold that night!!!
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