Sunday, February 24, 2013

Journey: David's Room

Taken from the hallway
 We worked on David's room this weekend since we were hosting Home Group- nothing like people coming over to get you in gear! Steve built the bookshelves and we had fun putting David's books and stuffed animals inside.
Above David's crib is one of my favorite quotes. It was really hard to put up and I hope it stays on the wall!

Love this quote, so excited to have it above his crib!
Some friends and family are working on Alphabet letters to hang above the dresser. I can't wait to have all the letters up- it's going to look great! I have a really great friend from school who cut out all the letters and had friends over to decorate some letters this week- pictures coming soon!
So, David's room is almost finished and now we just need to get to China to bring him home!

Taken from the bathroom

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Journey: last mailer sent

Off to China!
We are officially out of the Referral Phase of our adoption~ 5 long years later!!! On Tuesday I once again waited for the mailman to come (5:30- yeesh!) so our I800 could be copied and put in with the other papers to be sent to GWCA. This is the last package we had to send to complete the adoption- hard to believe! Everything we've been working on is now sent to the US Consulate in Guangzhou and once things are checked off and approved it goes to the CCCWA.
So, on Friday everything was cabled to China. Next Tuesday, hopefully, our USCIS approvals and China approvals along with David's visa application will be taken to US Consulate. It's usually a 3 week turn around for the Article 5 to be approved, get to our agency and THEN we will officially be waiting on Travel Approval. I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to go really s-l-o-w-l-y. Luckily there are lots of things happening including Steve's birthday, my baby shower at school, and spring break!! You should see my list for spring break- it's crazy long!!
Below is a picture of David's room... it's coming along and we did some work in it today. Another post about that coming up!!
Do you see the Baylor Bear ready to welcome David?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

One more step is complete!!!! We are closer and closer to traveling to China!! Our I800 was approved by the National Benefits Center, USCIS. This is the approval for us to adopt David. The next step is the approval to be sent to the National Visa Center who will send our approvals to China. On the handy dandy chart we've gotten to #9 and #10 should happen within the next week. #15 is travel, so we still have a few more steps. I can't remembe whose blog I got this chart off but I love it!!
I was hoping this Valentine's Day would include some pictures of David with his most recent care package but we will have to wait and pray that the package actually got to him.
I am very happy to remember that 11 years ago I had recently met this really awesome guy and we were going to see Sing the next night. On Valentine's day 2002 he came over with a giant stuffed Eeyore and made my night- Love you Steve!!!! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Journey: another update

Beijing has been very cold this winter!
It seems that with each step and the closer we get to going to China the longer the time seems to take. Really, after waiting 5 years you would think I could handle these last couple of months!
David's room is coming along. It's a great shade of blue! We picked up his crib and we love it and hope he does too! It's a convertible one so he'll sleep in it till he leaves for college :)
One great thing that happens each month is that New Day sends out an update to David's sponsors. Although we can't sponsor him, New Day is super sweet and sends us the update. They also send a picture which always makes my day although in this month's picture he looks a bit sad- I'm hoping it's because he doesn't like cold weather. If that's the case he'll fit perfectly in Waco where the high today (in February, for goodness sakes) was 80 degrees!!
Dear Friends,
We hope this note finds you doing well, and that you enjoy reading this month's update.
David (Calvin) is 1 Year 5 Months Old.
David (Calvin)'s foster mom wrote this update:
David (Calvin) is growing taller and of course, smarter. He likes to learn new things and enjoys playing with the older children like a big boy. He loves to jump and to climb when playing. He will ask me to support him so he can stand on the chair. One of his favorite things to do is play with his toy phone. He likes to push the buttons and sing along with the songs that rhythm. At nighttime he likes to help me turn on the lights in the house and has learned to open and close the doors. He also likes to walk around the bedrooms looking at the different colors. For his safety, we have installed locks on most of the doors as we don’t want him to play alone in the rooms. It is our pleasure to take care of him until he is united with his forever family.
(This information is intended to provide a personality profile of the children, not a developmental/medical profile.)
If you ever have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for your continued support.
New Day Staff