Monday, June 25, 2007


I sent out my blog address to some friends who I haven't 'talked' to in awhile so I thought I would give a quick update.
I am still a counselor at Cedar Ridge Elementary in Waco. My school has about 600 students so I stay busy. Steve is working at Baylor in the math department and we are both teaching summer school for one more week.
For Steve's 40th birthday in March I surprised him with a trip to London and Paris. It was a wonderful, wonderful trip. I hope to post more pics from the trip. Our favorite thing to do while we don't have kids yet is to travel. We have been to L.A., San Francisco, Red River, Jamaica, and Walt Disney World to name a few places.
Many of you know my sister, Cheryl. Well, her family is moving back to Waco. I will be so glad to have Andrew, Jacob, and Hannah closer to spoil. That's an aunts job right :) Hannah was adopted from China in 2003 which is one reason why we picked China for our adoption.
I was diagnosed with Polisystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in Aug. and found out that was the main reason for my infertility. We have tried a few fertility options over the past 3 years with the last one being an IUI in May. Adoption is something we considered even before my issues became relevant so this is an exciting time. I am especially glad Cheryl will be close to help me with all the paper work since she has been through it.
I am looking forward to keeping everybody "up" with the adoption process and what's happening here in central Texas.
Cin ;-)

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