It seems like a long time, 125 days, but I am hopeful that it will go by quickly. 125 is how many days to go before we leave on another fun family vacation. My parents have been so nice to treat us to some wonderful trips and this year we are headed out on a cruise. Steve and I went on a cruise 2 years ago and had a blast. This will be the first cruise for my parents and my sister's family. The kids can't wait! Last night we got together and booked the excursions for the trip. Looks like all the kids will get to have dolphin encounters and I will get to hang with the sting rays. Now we will start praying for great weather, no hurricanes :) Our dock points are Montego Bay, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. I have been to Montego Bay and Cozumel but am anxious to see Grand Cayman. That was one of our original destinations on the cruise Steve and I took but the weather got in the way. So now I have 125 days to lose some weight :), fill our itinerary and pack. Let's hope time flies! I guess this will be something to help me get through the last two months of school with no holidays :)
Sounds like lots of fun! 125 days will fly by!! Cody and I have always wanted to go on a cruise...haven't done it yet but someday hopefully! Have a blast!
Yea for the cruise! I cannot wait! I hope we bump into each other while we are there! :)
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