I don't go to the ATM a lot and I never seem to have cash, guess one goes with the other. Today I needed cash for some school stuff so off to the ATM I went. Everything was normal until the money came out. Not only did it come out it went FLYING OUT. I mean it flew away. There was a little wind but not too much, I mean not enough to take my money!! So what do I do?!? I had chosen to get a receipt, do I wait? Is my money still around somewhere? Where is it? Oh, good gravy!! So I wait for my receipt and then drive up a bit hoping the car behind me won't get upset that I am totally in the way. I found my first $20 bill and spy my second bill on the pavement ahead. Luckily I got close enough in the car to stop and get the second bill. Thank Goodness!! I am really, really glad I was only getting $40 out and not more than that. So, the moral of this story is... don't go to the ATM when the wind is blowing.
WOW, you were lucky that you found your money! Makes you wonder how often this happens to others.
Your experience reminded me of the time I was waiting behind a car at the bank and the wind took their cigarette butt (that they tossed out their window) and it landed on the hood of my car. THey drove off and I had to get out of my car and remove it!
The other day, I went to get $100 out and it made the counting the money sound and only spit out 1 20 dollar bill! I had to get my two todders out of the car and go inside the bank and wait in line and then explain what happened...crazy stuff...
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