The past few days have been filled with fun and excitement. A few months ago my mom got an email about my former elementary school's 50th anniversary. She told me about it and instantly I told her we needed to go. Mom taught at the school for 10 yrs. and so I knew not only my teachers but all the teachers on campus. Since my mom is a great hostess we always had teachers coming over. I knew that it would be fun to go back to elementary school. Mom wasn't too sure but after looking through pictures I finally talked her into going.
25 years ago when I was in 2nd grade Putnam Elementary School celebrated it's 25th anniversary hence the 50th now. I was in 2nd grade, Ms. Sledge's class. I can still remember the excitement of the day that a time capsule was buried. I couldn't remember what we had put in it but I did remember thinking, "I will be 32 and WILL be here when it is opened". Well, I was there!! The school planned a fun program, reception and picnic to celebrate. My mom and I flew in to El Paso on Sunday and looked forward to the fun...

Here's a view of the Sun City from the plane. It's a LOT different than Waco, not too many trees but lots of rocks and mountains.
This is the house I grew up in. It was a great house and when we lived there it had a huge tree in front along with rocks and a cactus.
Here they are putting the time capsule in 25 years ago, love the knee socks :)

Here is the time capsule now. The date on the end is May 4, 1984. Each May we celebrated Putnam Pride Day complete with a parade around the neighborhood. The school looked pretty much the same although everything seemed a little smaller through my adult eyes.

Here's what my class put in the time capsule.

Yep, even back in 2nd grade I knew I wanted to be a mom :) That's me on the end by the flag pole.
We were a technologically advanced school back then and had a VHS tape in the capsule. Best part is the it worked! It was so fun seeing former teachers and students!!
Here I am with my former PE and 6th grade math teacher.
This is my 1st grade teacher. I remember being across the hall from my mom and leaning back in my chair to see into her room.
Here I am with my AMAZING kindergarten teacher, not just because her name is Cindy too. I still remember learning with the "letter people" and just having so much fun in her class. She looks the same and has managed not to age a bit. She helped organize a luncheon after the opening of the time capsule which was fabulous! She has been at my elementary school for 32 years and is the only one still there from the 25th anniversary.
Here I am in Kindergarten with my principal, Mr. Y. Oh, how I loved Mr. Y! I didn't have to see him to often since I tried to stay out of trouble (for the most part)!
Here we are again 27 years later!
Mom and I had a great time visiting and reliving some of the past!
how neat!!
How neat!! I seemed to have missed EVERY reunion from EVERY school I've been in (no doubt due to moving and not being close to any of the schools!!). That is cool that you could be there!
What a great blog post! I am sorry I missed the reunion but it seems like it was so fun. I especially love the pics of you and Mr Y!
Yea for your new house also. It has been quite a week! :)
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