All Boy! He loves to climb on and into things! |
What an awesome 43 days it has been. I cannot believe that it is mid June and we've already celebrated several June birthdays along with Mother's Day and Father's Day. We are so very blessed that things in our new family of 3 are going GREAT!! David is eating well, sleeping well, and he loves play, laugh, and sing!
We've had our first doctors appointment with our awesome pediatrician. She said there was no heart murmur and as far as she could tell his heart was healthy. Praise The Lord!!!! She said we didn't need to do any extensive testing until he was ready to play sports. Poor little guy had to get a TB skin test, 2 shots, and blood drawn to complete the checkup. The nurse was awesome with the shots but the blood work was very hard. There were tears, and not from just David! Good news though, everything came back normal! He has gained some weight since being home (he loves American food, a lot!) and is now 26 lbs. and 33 1/2 inches in height. He seems to be close to the middle on the percentile charts.
His faces lights up when we sing to him! |
I am overwhelmed with thankfulness that God brought our family together. We are so blessed that David was at New Day where he got amazing medical care and was with a family who loved and cared for him. I know most children that come home from China do not have this advantage. God is truly doing awesome things through New Day!!
I am home for the summer and Steve is teaching a class in the morning so our days are filled with playtime, swim time, snacks, meals, bath and just being together. He usually wakes up about 8 when Steve leave to go teach. He takes an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours although recently it has been right at 2 hours, it's like he has a little alarm clock inside! We do bath time/bed time around 8. In between the time David likes to play with his blocks and puzzles. He also still loves to GO! He will ask for his shoes or bring me mine indicating it's time to head outside!
He is saying new words each day which is great to hear! His new words are "chip, three, hi, water (wawa), and papa". He loves to have us sing to him and he will move his mouth along with ours. His favorite songs are the ABC song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and The Wheels on the Bus. If there is music on in the house he will dance to it and gives lots of smiles.
Bath time is FUN! |
We did a mommy and me swim class the first week of June which was very fun. Before we started washing his hair was hard and there were usually tears. By the end of the week he was pouring water on his own hair and could go underwater from me to the instructor!! We've gotten season passes to the water park in Waco and have already been several times. He loves it and loves to be outside!
My mom and dad kept him a few mornings when I had to work. He loves to go to their house! He has also made a special bond with his cousins. He loves all 3 of them very much and would sometimes rather be held by one of them than Steve or me! I am so thankful that my family is in town. June has been busy with birthdays, dance recital and tonight a piano recital. It is fun to have David at the events! It is fun to see him playing with some of my favorite toys. The fisher-price castle has been brought out and David enjoys playing with it!
Ready to go swim! |
On Sunday we will do our church dedication. We feel so blessed to be in such an awesome community of faith. I love knowing how important children are to our church! We are so blessed to have incredible people of faith to share our son with each week!
He loves to be outside! |
Playing with Hannah at the park! |
Mother's Day 2013 |