Wednesday, June 20, 2007

let's try again

So my second post didn't work out too well. I guess it will take some time before this really does become a hobby. I am teacing summer school right now so when I am off in July I will have something to keep me busy.
Here is a little bit about me and maybe why I decided to blog... As I said before I have several church friends who have started blogs. Most who have children or are expecting a child very soon. What a great way to keep in touch with friends and family around the country. I am pretty lucky that my parents live in Waco and my sister and her family are moving back to Waco soon. As much as I LOVE to take pictures I though it might be fun to show some off. Course I haven't figured out how to put them into the blog yet but hopefully I will soon :) I thought it would also be a good way to let friends know where we are in the process of adopting. Yes, that's right we are adopting from China. The first set of official paperwork has been sent in with many more reems of paper to go. I can't wait to learn more about adoption and to travel this road.


Katie - a Blessed Mommy! said...

Yea Cindy Cates!!! I can't believe I'm a "blogger" now either but so glad you are -
& so thrilled about the adoption process being underway! Can't wait to keep learning more details & to throw you a really fun celebration party & shower soon!!!

Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

Yeah Cindy & Steve! Welcome to our little underground cyberworld...ha..just kidding. You'll have a lot of fun and we'll get to know each other a lot better by reading 'daily'/ 'weekly' updates on each other. Way to be proactive and just do it! Keep us posted on the adoption process....get ready...God is working! love, ejw

Kelly said...

Congrats Cates! How exciting to think about the baby you will adopt! I can't wait until the time gets closer and we can shower him/her (I am guessing her) with gifts and love. We love you guys and are excited about this sweet blessing in your life!

Michael & Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you're having a great day!!!