Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vegas baby

Well, this time it's not me going to Vegas but my parents. On Friday night we celebrated my dad's and Rich's (my bro-in-law) birthdays. It was a fun night with a family dinner at my parents. It is so much fun having Cheryl's family in town all the time now. Great for getting together anytime. Cheryl made a fun football cake which we all enjoyed. My mom surprised my dad with a trip to Vegas! He was very excited as you can tell from the picture. She had managed to keep it a secret for many months. I was especially excited for him to finally know as I helped plan the vacation. My mom has been to Vegas once before with Cheryl and me and my dad has never been. Their plans include seeing Barry Manilow (can you get more "Vegas" than that :), "O", and Danny Gans. They are also taking a trip to the Hoover Dam. Steve and I are totally jealous but we hope they have an awesome time. They are leaving on Thursday and I wish I could figure out how to fit into their luggage!! As I was planning their days in Vegas I realized I may have missed my calling in life. Planning vacations for me is great fun, especially when I am charging someone else's credit card! Guess I will have to stick to planning for the fam.
The rest of the weekend was great. We enjoyed watching Andrew win his football game on Saturday. It was a little hard to cheer for the longhorns but I got over it :) It would have been the perfect afternoon if it hadn't been so hot. I don't think I have been that hot in a very, very long time. The things we will do to support the fam!

Friday, September 21, 2007

So at 9pm...

Last night our doorbell rang. Of course, I was thinking hmmmm that's weird. Steve answered and it was a little girl with her fundraiser for her school. AT 9PM!! Can you believe?!? Her parent was outside in a car. Our porch lights were not on and yet she still came up to a dark door and rang the bell. What was her parent thinking!! I mean at 9pm in the fall it is dark in Texas. My topic this week in my classes just happens to be Safety so I made sure to talk about not leaving your house after dark today. I did tell Steve though if it was a Girl Scout, at any time of day or night, we WILL buy cookies. I was once that little girl (my parents only let me sell during day light hours!) wanting nice people to buy cookies so that's okay :)
Guess that's my pet peeve for the week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A new bunny

Well I had to take Serenity back to school. He was getting very comfortable with our house but all good things must end. I hated putting him back into his little hutch but my principal is trying to come up with a new home for him in the school garden. At least he gets to be inside until it gets cooler outside. Serenity now lives in the science room (which now smells like him :)

Since we were having bunny withdrawls we found a new one. Well, maybe he found us. Steve has noticed a few rabbits hopping around our backyard. More and more we see them on our porch taking advantage of the shade. I guess they like our house because there are no other animals to fear. I read on the internet to not feed them and try to domestic the wild rabbits so I guess we will enjoy them from a far. He is a cutie though isn't he!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Waiting on Fall

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love to see colors change and the weather to get a bit cooler. Special time spent with family and friends at football games, whether it is peewee football or Big XII it is exciting! Well, it is not fall yet, not even close considering how hot it has been but it is something to look forward to in the days ahead!
My weekend started off great with a pedicure and some reading time. I don't think you could ask for a better Friday afternoon. Saturday was an exciting day for us as we headed down to Austin for an adoption seminar. It was sponsored through our adoption agency, Great Wall, and it was wonderful to see and meet other couples who were in the process of adoption. There were several couples who are waiting to be matched and should be going to China this fall. Oh, how I can't wait for that to be us!! There were couples there who are like us and are only just beginning the adoption journey. As far as our paper work goes we are waiting on our homestudy to be completed. When that is finished we will be sending it to CIS (citizen and immigration for home land security) . They will process the paperwork and then we will have to send it into our agency. So now is kind of a wait time for us. I am working on our "lifestyle" pictures to send in to China. That should be fun!

We went to the Baylor football game for their first victory Saturday night. It was a fun game but HOT!! The picture isn't the best of me but I think it shows that I was a bit miserable for the first hour or so :) Also, for some reason my allergies picked up Friday night and I have been sneezing like crazy ever since. My regular meds just aren't working, yuck! This was the first home game of the season so I was very glad that the Bears won. Good for my family that A&M won as well. Next week is another home game so we will be cheering the Bears on. We have new seats which are much closer to the field. Guess it means I have to pay more attention to the actual game now!

Sunday was a great day as I was able to help give a baby shower for my friend EJ. It was so fun to see all the precious little boy stuff she got. She even got a onezie honoring the high school where her husband is a football coach, it was too cute. What a great way to spend Sunday afternoon, with good friends celebrating a new life!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

3 day weekend

Oh how I love three day weekends. It was so nice Sunday night to know that the next morning I didn't have to get up at 5:30 and go to school. Two four day weeks to begin school with is a pretty good idea. Gives the teachers and students some getting used to time.

We headed down to Round Rock on Friday night spur of the moment. I really needed some appropriate shoes for work that were comfortable. I felt like a hypocrite telling the students they couldn't wear flip-flops while I stood in my Reefs. I found that Clarks has an outlet store in the Round Rock outlet center. I was very happy to find two pairs that are nice and comfy for my school days. We met Mike, Steve's brother, for a movie. The guys went to see something scary which I was not about to see. I settled on The Nanny Diaries which was way cute. Especially for those of us who have spent time as babysitters, nannies, au pairs, and the like. Granted for me it was never in NYC but you know Waco is a lot like the Big Apple, YEA RIGHT! With seeing the movie by myself I did something I have never done before. Yes, that was the first time I had gone to a movie alone. Am I totally codependent or what!!

We spent Labor Day with my family having a good 'ole American cookout. Faye and Sarah came and got to experience grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. Doesn't get much better than that for a Monday night.