Well, this time it's not me going to Vegas but my parents. On Friday night we celebrated my dad's and Rich's (my bro-in-law) birthdays. It was a fun night with a family dinner at my parents. It is so much fun having Cheryl's family in town all the time now. Great for getting together anytime. Cheryl made a fun football cake which we all enjoyed. My mom surprised my dad with a trip to Vegas! He was very excited as you can tell from the picture. She had managed to keep it a secret for many months. I was especially
excited for him to finally know as I helped plan the vacation. My mom has been to Vegas once before with Cheryl and me and my dad has never been. Their plans include seeing Barry Manilow (can you get more "Vegas" than that :), "O", and Danny Gans. They are also taking a trip to the Hoover Dam. Steve and I are totally jealous but we hope they have an awesome time. They are leaving on Thursday and I wish I could figure out how to fit into their luggage!! As I was planning their days in Vegas I realized I may have missed my calling in life. Planning vacations for me is great fun, especially when I am charging someone else's credit card! Guess I will have to stick to planning for the fam.

The rest of the weekend was great. We enjoyed watching Andrew win his football game on Saturday. It was a little hard to cheer for the longhorns but I got over it :) It would have been the perfect afternoon if it hadn't been so hot. I don't think I have been that hot in a very, very long time. The things we will do to support the fam!
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