Friday, February 29, 2008

LID one month

Today is our 1 month LID (log in date) anniversary. The symbol is the number one in Chinese (I think)!! That means one month closer to going to China which makes me very happy! I am trying to think of something to do each month to "celebrate" it passing. I think I am going to get an item for Emily's nursery. I have selected a theme or colors yet but maybe something fun (although I am thinking ladybugs). I have already started her collection of books. Since I was a 1st grade teacher my child will never have to worry about having something to read :)
Today was an inservice day at school which was spent collaborating with fellow teachers. It was a good day to reflect and relax before TAKS next week. I know my co-workers are at a breaking point getting ready for this state test and we are all anxious for Wednesday to get here. For all you Texas educators out there enjoy a calm, relaxing weekend! For those of you who don't know what TAKS is be VERY glad :)


Stacy Murphy said...

I think it is a great idea to buy things each month to get ready for your precious little girl. I'm sure time will fly by. I can't believe it is March already!!

Crystal said...

Hey, Cindy. Crystal Frazier from up in NC. We've got some big tests in NC this week, too. Sounds like you've got a lot of great ideas to prepare for your little one. She's going to be very blessed coming into such a wonderful family.