Today is month #3 in our wait for Emily. I am pretty sure we are going to do ladybugs in her nursery so I am scouting out the perfect ladybug prints and patterns to use (there are so many to choose from). We have awhile to wait and find what we are looking for. It is nice to think that the first three months have gone by very quickly.
To celebrate I bought 27 Dresses on DVD. I remembered it was coming out today and couldn't wait to get out of school to go get it. I went to buy it so I could enjoy a quiet night at home while Steve is off doing study sessions at BU. I ended up buying two other romantic comedies while I was out, I just couldn't resist :) I also booked our hotel for our summer trip to Vegas, can't wait!
Ladybug is the nickname my Mom called me growing up! I think they will make such a beautiful nursery!
Summer trip to Vegas???? When are we going? :)
Loan me 27 dresses, ok? I would buy it but I have to save for our trip to Las Vegas!!!
Ahhh, I love romantic comedy nights at our home! I think I've told you before, but, like you, I watch the same ones over and over when Cody is gone. Hope your evening was relaxing!
Ladybug is Brenna's nickname...we thought about doing her nursery in ladybugs too but were afraid the sonogram was wrong. We went with moons and stars instead. I think a ladybug toddler room is in her future!
I like the pattern you had on the post...let me know where you find cute patterns!
Cindy, Feel free to put us on your "link list." Thanks for the comments on our blog. It feels like we have "reconnected" after all these years!! Hope all is continuing to go well with the adoption procedures! What a blessed day it will be when Emily arrives!
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