Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008

The verdict on the movie: so not as good as the book. Of course, I was expecting that. After reading and then watching Harry Potter I understand that the literary work is almost always so, so much better. Maybe it's the power of using your own imagination that makes it better. Oh well, I did like the movie and ended up seeing it again yesterday afternoon. I did my share to help it make over $70 million for the weekend!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twice Tagged
I was tagged in 2 different blogs, by Cari and Kerri, and it has taken me a while to get them done. Here's the 1st... 7 things that you might not know about me:
1) I have visited 13 different countries since I graduated from high school. I am looking forward to going back to Italy in 1 month!!
2) I consider myself an early bird but don't like to talk to anyone for at least an hour. Lucky for Steve he has late classes this semester so he doesn't have to endure my silence.
3) My sophomore year at Baylor I was interrogated by the BU police. It was scary but luckily I was not involved in the incident in question.
4) The summer after my senior year in high school I had the opportunity to speak to several groups including WMU and the National Acteens Convention which included 5000 teenage girls.
5) I have some OCD tendencies and I think that all educators have some. If I ever get my PhD I would like to research the idea.
6) I did some silly things while dating Steve. A) called him "sir" when he first called, B) at our first movie he asked if I would like popcorn, I said sure. He held the popcorn out for me the entire movie and I didn't eat any! C) I made dinner one night and he brought dessert. He asked what kind of pie I liked and I said any kind. He brought a coconut creme, while I don't like. Luckily I was sick and couldn't taste it so I fooled him :)
7) I love to watch basketball. I love that it is indoors and usually goes by quickly. My least favorite is baseball, way to long. Football is okay as long as the Bears are winning.
Onto my second tag... In this one you are supposed to tell 6 unknown, quirky or random things about yourself and then tag six friends.
1. I love to sing in the car
2. I used to write everything I wore down on a chart. I had it on a clipboard in my closet (did I mention my OCD?).
3. I am picky eater even though I don't like to admit it
4. My mom has passed onto me the enjoyment of hosting friends at my house
5. I am allergic to chocolate. Doesn't really stop me from eating it but then my nose gets runny
6. Easter is my favorite holiday
I tag... anyone who wants to share!!!
1) I have visited 13 different countries since I graduated from high school. I am looking forward to going back to Italy in 1 month!!
2) I consider myself an early bird but don't like to talk to anyone for at least an hour. Lucky for Steve he has late classes this semester so he doesn't have to endure my silence.
3) My sophomore year at Baylor I was interrogated by the BU police. It was scary but luckily I was not involved in the incident in question.
4) The summer after my senior year in high school I had the opportunity to speak to several groups including WMU and the National Acteens Convention which included 5000 teenage girls.
5) I have some OCD tendencies and I think that all educators have some. If I ever get my PhD I would like to research the idea.
6) I did some silly things while dating Steve. A) called him "sir" when he first called, B) at our first movie he asked if I would like popcorn, I said sure. He held the popcorn out for me the entire movie and I didn't eat any! C) I made dinner one night and he brought dessert. He asked what kind of pie I liked and I said any kind. He brought a coconut creme, while I don't like. Luckily I was sick and couldn't taste it so I fooled him :)
7) I love to watch basketball. I love that it is indoors and usually goes by quickly. My least favorite is baseball, way to long. Football is okay as long as the Bears are winning.
Onto my second tag... In this one you are supposed to tell 6 unknown, quirky or random things about yourself and then tag six friends.
1. I love to sing in the car
2. I used to write everything I wore down on a chart. I had it on a clipboard in my closet (did I mention my OCD?).
3. I am picky eater even though I don't like to admit it
4. My mom has passed onto me the enjoyment of hosting friends at my house
5. I am allergic to chocolate. Doesn't really stop me from eating it but then my nose gets runny
6. Easter is my favorite holiday
I tag... anyone who wants to share!!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Question... Lasik

For awhile now my eye doctor has been encouraging me to get Lasik performed. I have allergies and a continuous infection on my eye lids which makes wearing contacts hard. Up till now I have been very wary of having the procedure done but recently I decided now was the time. So here my questions... have you had Lasik done? What are the pros/cons about it? Who did the surgery?
I have an consultation appointment for the place in Waco that does it on Thursday and am anxious to here more about it. Till then I will be researching and trying to psych myself up for this!
I have an consultation appointment for the place in Waco that does it on Thursday and am anxious to here more about it. Till then I will be researching and trying to psych myself up for this!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
20 year Flashback

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Picture Tag
I got this from a friend's blog and thought it would be fun to see what ya'll have in your folders. Go to your 6th folder and take your 6th picture.
I have 2 b/c I used my desktop and laptop folders.
This is a cake my sister made for a baby shower I help with. She is very talented!

Obviously this is from the folder titled "birthday 08".
Let's see your pics!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Is it too early?

I am a huge music fan. I think music is an amazing thing that can impact us all and I wish I had a great talent to play and sing, oh well. As I type I am listening to Nessun Dorma my favorite opera piece and getting chill bumps, oh I love it! After some initial issues I have come to love itunes. Even though I am a pc girl itunes is my fav application and I have lots of songs but only a little ipod, gotta change that :) Anyway, where am I going with this? Oh yeah, Christmas is still many days away (48, if you're counting) and we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving so is it too early to break out the Christmas CDs? Steve surprised me last night with 2 new Christmas CDs, Casting Crowns and David Phelps, and Wednesday I bought the new Harry Connick Jr. Can I start
listening to them? They are now in my computer to sing with at school (my office mates love that). I guess I figure with Christmas all over the stores it puts me in the mood.

Steve also bought the new Michael W. Smith praise album. It is GREAT!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A happy homecoming and the countdown begins
We had a great Halloween/Homecoming weekend. We started the weekend by hosting a Halloween party with some friends. We enjoyed yummy treats and a good movie. We watched a classic Strangers on a Train which was good. I don't like scary movies so Steve had to wait till I went to bed to watch the real scary one.

I started Saturday very early. My mom and I helped with the Tri Delta homecoming breakfast reservations. It was fun to see some old faces and catch up. We headed to the parade and enjoyed seeing all the floats. There were a lot of good ones this year. We gave our fball tickets to Rich and Drew since Steve had tons of papers to grade (hope his students appreciate that!). We listened to the game on the radio, it was a great game. I was busy making pumpkin bread for home group. It was a good Saturday!

On Sunday we enjoy a mini concert at church by David Phelps. He was great and I really enjoyed listening to him sing. I look forward to singing with him for a Christmas concert with the church choir.
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