This week at work has been filled with many hours of inservice. For those who are not in the education world, inservice is basically professional development for educators. We just love it, just kidding!!! For my school district we had 3 keynote speakers. I thought keynote meant one speaker but I guess I was wrong. The last one was the funniest and kept me laughing. I think most of us are looking forward to one last day to work in our roomsor offices before the kids come on Tuesday. My school had "Meet the Teacher" night on Thursday. It was great to see so many s

miling faces of my kids. We will not have prek, 4yr olds, on our campus this year and I will miss them. I chatted with several 5th graders, 2 who were taller than me, YIKES! One of my least favorite things about being at school is bulletin boards. They are a necessary evil I guess. I have to do 6 of them throughout my building. Sometimes it's not so great being the counselor :) I have included a pic of one of my boards. You can see why I spent last weekend laminating things. It is a bboard for careers. My schedule this year is changing a lot and I am trying to figure out how I am going to fit my guidance lessons, individual students, and groups all in. I am sure it will work out somehow!
Steve started back to Baylor this week as well. He is teaching 2 precal classes and 2 math for fine arts classes. He was glad to have desks in his rooms as they are trying to get the building back together. We had date night last night and went to see
Becoming Jane. It was a great movie, although more for me than Steve. The movie originally came out in London while we were there in March but we didn't get to see it. I had to rewatch
Pride and Prejudice this morning to get my Jane Austen fix.
I hope you all have had a wonderful week!
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