Last night our doorbell rang. Of course, I was thinking hmmmm that's weird. Steve answered and it was a little girl with her fundraiser for her school. AT 9PM!! Can you believe?!? Her parent was outside in a car. Our porch lights were not on and yet she still came up to a dark door and rang the bell. What was her parent thinking!! I mean at 9pm in the fall it is dark in Texas. My topic this week in my classes just happens to be Safety so I made sure to talk about not leaving your house after dark today. I did tell Steve though if it was a Girl Scout, at any time of day or night, we WILL buy cookies. I was once that little girl (my parents only let me sell during day light hours!) wanting nice people to buy cookies so that's okay :)
Guess that's my pet peeve for the week.
I probably wouldn't have answered the door that late at night. It's hard to believe a parent would let their child go door to door after dark these days.
Yea, I agree...I think 9pm is a little late to be going door to door with fundraising materials in hand!
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