On January 20, 2002 I met my husband for the first time. It all started over a cup of Starbucks hot cocoa (I don't like coffee) and as they say the rest is history. Isn't it awesome to know that God has perfect timing for everything. It was His perfect time for us to meet. Who knew that a date to Kappa Sigma Koffee (as a sponsor no less) would last this long :) Thanks to Shelly who gave Steve my name and suggested he call me first to see if I wanted to go. He assured Shelly that this was just a one time thing, that he needed a date for this event and that would be it. On a random note... Shelly also introduced me to my first friend in Waco, Cari. Shelly is a good person to know!!!

I like to call this our anniversary, our first of two. Steve always looks at me funny and wonders how I remember dates like this. Kinda like how I remember exactly what I was wearing on that first Starbucks meeting and what I was wearing the night we first kissed. Weird and corny but that's why he loves me :) Okay enough of the sappy stuff!
The pic is the first one I have of us together. It was taken at my friend, Jessica's, wedding in April '02. I coordinated the wedding which was great fun. At the wedding Steve met my parents for the first time. No pressure... make sure bride gets down aisle, oh and introduce mom and dad to the man you are seriously dating. What was I thinking?!? Anyway, the first picture we took was actually at the Kappa Sig party and was a Flash pic. I didn't order it and now really, really wish I had. Little did I know then what I know now :)
Hey, I thought I recognized your dress in that picture! I said, "that looks like the dress Cindy wore at our wedding...hey, Steve's in a suit." Duh Jess, read the text AND the pictures (I'm bad about just looking at the pics). Hard to believe that was 6 years ago!!
Happy anniversary!
obviously shelly just introducing you to me would have been enough... :) love that story!
What a great story!
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