Yea! The wedding was a success and Trey and Amber are off to Hawaii.
Yesterday I coordinated their wedding and had so much fun. My goal was to avoid the 3 wedding Fs-Fire, Falling, and Fainting. The 3 Fs were avoided and the wedding went off without too many glitches. It was a hectic day but a fun one. As I have said many, many times I LOVE weddings. Being on the inside helping out is very fun for me, even though it is very busy.
Me and Amber, isn't she a Beautiful Bride!
She had the biggest smile on all night :)

i hardly ever comment on blogs, especially on people i don't know...but i'm a "blog stalker," I admit it. i don't know you but i love reading your blog. and the funny thing is, we know the same people. i know Amber (who just got married yesterday) and i used to be dear friend with Karen, who is in this picture with you. the next time you see Karen tell her Callie Hubbard said hello...hopefully, she'll remember...
i'm sorry...i forgot to tell you that i found your blog through Amy Neal, whom i also know because i used to be good friends with her sisters, Allison and Leanne, in high school...
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