Tomorrow is the day... I think I may have mentioned that before :) Today has been somewhat blurry as I'm trying to get things together to be gone and to bring home our child! We both worked today and I was there physically but mentally I was going over my list- packing list, things to get done around the house list, shopping list- I love lists! My suitcase is almost packed and one bag for New Day is ready to go. The cameras are charged, adoption and travel papers ready, books bought for my kindle and reservations confirmed (again). Now all I have to do is sleep and wake up tomorrow and get to the airport- I took some sleeping meds and hope they kick in :)
I've been overwhelmed with messages and prayers from friends and family- THANK YOU for covering us in your prayers!!! Tomorrow is going to be a very long traveling day. Please pray for safe flights and that they are on time. We'll land in Beijing at 11:30 pm (Beijing time- 13 hours ahead of Waco) on Thursday night. Our itinerary is posted below.
As we've prepared for David we have been so blessed by friends and family who are anxious and excited to meet David. Our wonderful Sunday School class hosted a shower a couple of weeks ago and it was awesome! Many of the families in class have been on this journey with us from day one and we are so very thankful for their friendship!!!! Words really cannot express how much we love our class!! My sister and mom gave a party for me in GAs last Wednesday night. We teach 4th grade girls and they were so sweet! They asked awesome questions about us bringing David home and wrote notes for me to read while we're in China. On our classroom world map, David's picture is taped to China :)
Some pics of my fun!
Awesome Sunday School Friends!!! |
Love this quote!! |
Aren't they cute! |
A FUN GA night!!
Here is our tentative schedule:
April 17- Wednesday: fly from Waco to DFW to Chicago to Beijing. It will be a LONG day. The Chicago to Beijing flight is 13 hours- wow!!
April 19- Friday: visit New Day!! Meet our friends in Beijing at Tsingua University- can't wait to see them!!
April 20- Saturday: Tour with GWCA to Great Wall, Forbidden City and Tienanmen Square
April 21- Sunday: Fly to Urumqi City (David's home city)
April 22- Monday: MEET OUR SON!!! It will be around 9 or 10 on Sunday night in Waco. Please pray for David and the transition to our family. He is going to be very sad and it will be difficult day for him.
April 23-25: Do paperwork and sightseeing in Xinjiang (the province)
April 26- Friday: Fly to Guangzhou
April 27- Saturday: Medical appointment at American Consulate
April 28th-May 1st: Tour around Guangzhou including a shopping trip with a guide!
May 2nd- Thursday: Oath Taking Ceremony at American Consulate
May 3rd- Friday: Pick up David's Visa for return to America
May 4th- Saturday: Fly to Beijing and introduce David to our Tsingua friends!
May 5th- Sunday: Fly from Beijing to Chicago, Chicago to DFW, DFW to Waco. We are scheduled to arrive at 3:50 in Waco. I'll post on facebook if the time changes!
I am hoping to blog and facebook while we're away. We will have a guide with us in each city (thank goodness)! Once we meet David he will stay with us!
Thank you again so much for your support and prayers!!
Cin ;-)
Cindy!!!! I am SO happy for you!!! I am praying specifically for you both today and the rest of the week! Love you!
Thinking about you on this wonderful journey you are beginning! Best wishes for a safe trip and prayers that the transition with David goes well. Congratulations Cindy!!
WOW! Your perseverance as a Mom amazes me! I am so happy for you and praying for you and want to cry just thinking of the moment you FINALLY get to lay hands on your precious boy. Give me chills! Praying for you--It's been a long 6'ish years...but know it will be worth it. All our Love, EJ & Family
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