Sunday, April 28, 2013

Journey: to the Zoo

Today we went with the two other families from our agency to the Guangzhou zoo. It was a nice day despite the very high humidity. The zoo has a lot of great animals to see and the only disappointment was that the panda house is under construction so no pandas! David's favorite part was running, climbing up and down stairs and yelling :) He didn't seem too interested in the animals, except the giraffe which he got to feed.
We walked to a noodle and rice restaurant by our hotel for lunch. It was very yummy and David really enjoyed eating the rice. He was so tired that nap time came very easily today. Steve is doing a tub of laundry while David naps- a whole new world of traveling with a toddler!! There is a playground at our hotel that we will visit after nap time.
It is hard to believe that we have lived without David for so long! He fits right into our family!! I am so thankful to have my mom and dad here with us. They are so wonderful with David and have helped us tremendously!! One thing we were told was that David was a bit of an introvert, well we haven't seen that part of his personality yet! He loves to watch people and talk to other kids. He is very curious and wants to know what is going on around him. So far his favorite snack is peaches or pineapple and he'll try pretty much anything the first time. Today he loved the rice at lunch!! We are so anxious to bring him home!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi to All of you!

I had to catch up on your blogs! I didn't think you were writing! I enjoyed all of the pictures. He looks so comfortable with you and to hear his health is so good is truly a blessing. Everything has gone so smoothly for you. I feel certain it will continue for the rest of the trip. You will soon be home and getting him adjusted to life in Waco!


Helen Ruth said...


Enjoying your updates! David and you all look so happy! Can't wait till David comes home to Texas!! What a dream come true and answer to prayer! Alan and I will have to drive up there after the dust settles and things are back to "normal"... I know that right now you all will need to catch your breath and get situated. So excited for you all!!

The Walkers said...

Just got caught up. So exciting for you all! Cherish every moment and there is no doubt you'll document:)

Kate in Austin said...

Cindy. It is wonderful to see you all with David. What a blessing. Enjoy & safe travels. - Kate Hardin