On Friday night we celebrated Faye's birthday. Faye is an international student from Beijing, China. My parent's are her welcome family. We were so glad to give her an 'American' birthday with candles, cake, and ice cream. She was surprised when we brought out the cake. We included a special candle that my sister picked up while she was in China. It lights the little candles and plays "Happy Birthday". What fun!! Faye enjoyed opening gifts that included a BU tshirt and a picture of the family for her new dorm room. We look forward to getting to know Faye and her friend Sarah more! My nephew went with them to the BU spirit rally for new students. They should be all ready for Saturday football now.
Steve and I both had to get ready for the beginning of school during the weekend. I spent lots of time cutting out laminated things and Steve got his sylibi ready for classes. It is hard to think about summer being really over. Steve and I enjoyed a Sunday school get-together Saturday night. I also helped at Mission Waco on Saturday morning with EJ. What fun it was to give out school supplies and see some families from my school.
Cindy, don't know if you remember me...I was Kristin Whisler way back when!! Anyway, I got to your blog through Stephanie Mackey's links. It is so great to hear about where you are and what you are doing. I am in Japan now, so hearing about your upcoming adoption from China is just wonderful. We have had friends here that have also gone through adoptions from China while here. I do pray it all goes well and that soon you will be a family of three! It is wonderful having little ones around!
Hi Cindy, it's Faye. Lynn told me about your blog. Thank you so much for what you have done for my birthday. That's one of the most memorable birthdays in my life.
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