As you know I have the priveledge of going on most field trips with my school. I have been to more museums that I can keep up with and to the zoo a billion times (okay maybe not that much but really when it's 80 4 year olds ya wonder). Every now and then I get to plan my own field trip. The great thing about being a counselor is I get to talk to the kids about preparing for their future. I LOVE talking about college and all the options that are out there for these kids.
So I got to take our 4th grade students on a trip to Baylor. One might think, you live in Waco what's so special about going to visit BU? Well, for my children going across town to Baylor is a VERY big deal. 99% of them had never been on campus, any college campus for that matter, even though we have 3 in Waco.
Anyway, the kids were excited and I was a bit nervous (88 students 7 teachers rati
o is always a little stressful). We started off with getting to see the bears, Lady and Joy. I hadn't seen them as active as they were that morning. A member of Chamber, "Anything for Baylor", spoke to the kids about the bears and why we have them. The students loved watching them as did I. Then we split up into two groups to have a tour of campus. My tour group was lead by a member of Tri Delta that I knew when I was their advisor so that was fun. Erin did a wonderful job at telling the kids about college life and answering all their questions. I loved hearing the wonder in their voice about college classes and the fun stuff too. I even managed a pic with Judge Baylor and my great friend Karen, who is a 4th grade teacher :)

When we finished with the tour (after stopping by the SLC which they were totally wo
wed by) we headed to Cameron park for a picnic which was great. Then we went back to Baylor to hear the BU symphony orchestra. They were amazing and the kids really enjoyed it. As many of you know I LOVE music so this was a special treat for me.

As part of being in 4th and 5th grade in McLennan county you get to attend this concert. They do it 3 times in one day at Waco Hall to accomodate everyone. That's a lot
of kids!! The cool thing was at our performance I saw my nephew, Andrew, who is in 4th grade at another school. It was so fun to see him!! I think his teachers were a bit weary, as I would be, but we did manage a picture.

So needless to say we had a great time and I loved showing my kids around the great school that is Baylor. Many now say they want to go to Baylor so that is a step in the right direction!
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