Friday, June 20, 2008

1 year = 100 Posts

That's right this is my 100th post. I started blogging one year ago and have had so much fun. It has been awesome to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a long time and to find some new friends as well. I love keeping everyone updated on our adoption process. It has been fun finding new blogs that are fun to read and find out about people all over the world. I have also enjoyed finding random things to blog about. Whenever I take a picture I ask myself, is it blog worthy? It has become a family joke :)

On with the blog... Last night we celebrated my sister's birthday. My mom made her favorite dinner which was very, very good. We had an ice cream cake also, yummy. The picture was Cheryl's idea :) My parents had this painting done while we lived in Germany. It has always hung over the piano. In their house now it hangs in the living room and tends to be a conversation piece with every party or get together we have. We thought it would be funny to try that poise again, about 31 years later.
June is a huge birthday month for my family with mom, Cheryl, me and Andrew plus several of my close friends. There always seems to be a celebration going on which is fabulous.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Way to go on 100! You were my inspiration to start my own blog...thanks!

I always loved that pic of you and your sister. It's so neat to see you standing in front of it now!