One of my favorite things about my job is the chance to go on field trips with most grade levels. My principal likes to have as many adults as possible on the field trip which makes a lot of sense. Kids can sometimes 'act a fool' when away from school :) If you can imagine... over 100 5-6 year olds with lots of things to see and things they want to touch, wow! I went with the kindergarten kids to the HOT fair to see the milking demonstration. The kids get a chance to see some animals and watch milk come from a cow. The farmer who works with the cow (Sister) is super funny and the kids are in awe of seeing the milk. We did have a new experience this year when a pig that was being taken to show ran away from his owner and towards the kids. If you have never heard a pig squeal it is quite an expe
rience and very, very loud. I was just as scared as the kids. All turned out okay and the pig got to his show, although he didn't seem very happy about that. I love this last pic with the little girl waving to the bull, too cute!

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