This weekend we were able to have some great family time with my fam. It is so fun have the Gochi in town and not have to drive three hours to see them. They are just across town. We took the annual Segura Christmas card picture on Saturday morning. I won't post the actual picture b/c I don't want to ruin it for those who will receive it but I will include a picture of the fun that happens between takes. Notice Cheryl getting the kids ready and who knows what I was doing. My mom is just reminding us that all her friends are going to get this so let's smile. For those of you who take Christmas card pictures I'm sure you will appreciate :)

This weekend we also celebrated Hannah's 5th birthday. Her actual birthday is on Tuesday but we got to celebrate early. Steve and I haven't made it to her birthday party in awhile so I was especially glad to be there with her this afternoon. She wanted to have it at Chuck E. Cheese which was lots of fun with games and loudness. She enjoyed being the birthday girl! It is hard to believe that she is 5 yrs. old. My how time flies! Steve and I had just gotten married when she came to us from China. My sister makes the best birthday cakes and I can't wait for her to make my little girls cakes one day. Happy Birthday Hannah!

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